our Fleet. Wedding
Retro car
Bus, Bus, Transfer
Limousines festive cortege
Car rental without driver
Decorations for cars
Organization of holidays
- 1. Wedding manager (wedding coordinator)
- 2. stylized wedding
- 3. Presenter, DJ, Tamada
- 4. Photo, Video
- 4.1 Aerial survey by quadrocopter
- 10. Chocolate Fountain/Wine Fountain
- 11. Animators for children
- 13. Living statues
- 15. Міми, Stilts
- 16. Storekeeper
- 17. Visiting ceremony
- 18. First Dance
- 18.1 Blooming flower
- 18.2 3D projection on a wedding cake
- 19. Fire Show
- 20. Neon Show
- 21. Burning Hearts and name
- 22. Sand Animation
- 24. Show bubbles
- 25. Barman show
- 26. Oriental Dance
- 27. Bands, cover, Impersonations
- 28. Друзі наречених на прокат
- 29. Picture zone
- 30. Service clotting wedding
- 31. Selfiе Mirror / Celphy Box
- 32. Dancing Cabaret Show
- 33.Balls for registration
- 34. Cakes/Baking
- 35. Laser show
- 36. Hookah for WEDDING / Lease of hookahs
Questions and answers
Interesting information
Contacts. Payments
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використання авто на дівич-вечір (дєвішнік) та хлоп`ячу вечірку (мальчішнік) за 50 % вартості
(доїзд та повернення до клієнта рахується додатково, акція стосується днів Пн-Пт, регламентується не зайнятістю авто, мінімум 2 години).Attention!
Prices approximate, some old - call!
- For promotional purposes and to study the market, some prices for limousine and other cars as well as our services and products are written in U.S. dollars
- Firm "ikvaProkat" 067-405-53-55 offers rental of limousines, vintage cars and car VIP class. We provide a comprehensive organization of celebrations and maintenance
Questions and answersThis column appeared on our website is not accidental, but on the recommendation of our customers. We hope that through it you will be able to answer many of their questions that arise during the operation limousine / car.
-1. How many people can fit in a limo?
Our limousines 6-20 passenger seats, depending on the model and the average weight of passengers. For example:
Limousines in CHRYSLER 300 C without problems can comfortably accommodate 8 “thin” passengers, similar to limousine Nissan Patrol – 12 !!!
Do not forget the main purpose why expensive car is taken to the celebration, not to carry a maximum count of people (it uses the bus Bogdan Etalon :)), and for your comfort and underscores status. Do not release anything to chance – plan in advance who will move on anything, who with whom, because you – a special event, and it should not be overshadowed by different kinds of discomfort and misunderstanding !!
-2. Can I smoke in the limousine?
In limousine is strictly forbidden to smoke. The smell of cigarettes is absorbed very quickly and very badly weathered and ash can be dangerous for the seat upholstery. This problem is solved by stopping the limousine and exit all comers for a walk. Also, the ban applies to drugs and psychotropic substances.
-3. strewing limousine
Prohibited sprinkle car coins (even small denomination) and candy, wheat; Upholstered paint, there is a risk or break the glass to make chips. Wheat, rye and other grains clog the air filter and other system get to car – there are beginning to grow + attract rodents that destroy wiring cars. Usually, after leaving the home, road, sprinkled with no motorcade, and most brides – candy, coins, grain – that the union was strong, rich, sweet and fruitful! Even the question is not the number of filled up (unless you want to surprise someone), and the sincerity of the wishes … After the bride and blessed the cast, they sit in the car …;
4. What is the minimum order limousine / car?
Due to the fact that the car spent some maintenance costs (fuel, washing, cleaning, taxes, wages driver depreciation) there is the term “minimum order” or minimum required time, which may hire a car / limousine.
Minimum order limousine / car – a minimum number of hours of car rental. This time is different, depending on the type of car, day of week and season, especially demand (wedding, birthday, hospital, corporate, etc.).
5. How long minimum order limousine / car?
Here you can order limousine rental as short term (one hour) and full day. In each situation, we can calculate individually. At the wedding rental minimum order recorded in price lists, usually 3, 4 or 5 hours (depending on the car, date and region). If during the order we accomplished faster than the agreed time (for example, agreed to 6 hours and coped for 5 hours and 15 minutes) – payment occurs at the agreed time (6 hours in the case of the example).
6. What is the supply of car?
This time and fuel, which spends driver and car to the garage to get to their destination and return back to the garage after work in order.
For example: limousine Nissan Patrol ordered in Zhitomir. He will go, such as m. Dubno. The distance of 2 500 km sides. Fuel consumption on the highway about 30 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers (5.6 engine, four-wheel drive, almost 4.5 tons of weight). That is, to get in order and go back, car “drink” fuel for about $ 150 and the driver will spend on the road in two directions approximately 8-9 hours time. In this case, ordering a limousine to another city, for example, Zhitomir, provided the order for 4 hours, pay for 5 hours, use 4 hours.
There may be cases where funds are not taken for starting – depending on where the limousine is the order the day before your holiday. Paying 5 hours, actually use the car for 5 hours.
When ordering a limousine / car all day, payment for the supply of cars mostly not taken. Exception – long distances.
All orders are calculated individually, on the principle: the more hours, the cheaper.
7. What kind of music we listen to?
To stick the driver has different music table: wedding, fast, slow, chanson, classical. There are movies. Is the radio. The best way – this is when you do take care of your repertoire of favorite songs, after burning them on a USB flash drive in MP3 format and giving the driver. Also, almost all of our cars have the ability to connect to the audio machines with the phone using the AUX output.
8. Over time, you need to order a car?
Dali advance for the restaurant – book a car! So you would be cheaper and better choice. Ideally – this is the year to date.
Limousine / car best to book in advance, especially if your wedding / holiday – Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Recommended term orders – for 9-12 months, then you have the best opportunity to choose what you want (for example, black and white limousine one model, or 6 black Jeep Geländewagen etc.).
9. Itinerary, stopping
Tell the driver in advance to address the finish and intermediate address – it will save you time. Interested address (for Navigator); Because of the large size, limousine come around – not everywhere can take this into account. If you plan to call in high-rise courtyards and narrow streets – take care of the lack of randomly abandoned cars, which complicate turning maneuver limousine. Also, because of the large mass, there is no stopping the limousine on the slopes and climbs.
10. Bar in limousine
Paid. Refine prices in the driver. Broken crockery paid extra, 1 item = 100 USD. Beat your health!
-11. What are my payment options?
a) Cash;
b) the current account (PP a third form of taxation without VAT payer);
c) At stake Privat;
d) Possible exchange for your product (service), if it is important for us.
e) You can pay on our website under contact (Payment of any – any of your credit card from the comfort of your computer / phone / tablet).
12. Size Advance
When booking advance is mandatory that = at least 1 hour rental car chosen by you (eg 3000-4000 USD). During the advance can completely pay for all orders (+ car decoration + additional services, etc.). Recommended by limousine advance or $ 100 100YE;
-13. How many kilometers of travel lies in the price of limousine rental, VIP cars for rent for wedding?
50 km journey at no additional cost, the perelimit – only a surcharge for fuel, $ 1 Limousine / 1km, jeep sedan 0.5 $ / 1km. For example, limousine came to a village to the young. The groom sat in the car, went to the bride’s village to another, then the third church in the village, next to a photo session in the regional center, then stopped at a waterfall and a restaurant. In total, from the point of landing (groom’s house) to the finish point (restaurant) ride 74 km. By the principal order will supplement 74-50 = 12 dollars
-14. As indicated in the contract?
The contract specifies all: the date and time, address supply, characteristics of the car, the rental, colors, decorations and walking trails, additional services, contact numbers and value, the value of the advance, rules of conduct and more.
-15. What are the jewelry?
Usually cars decorated with ribbons, live or artificial flowers, balloons, ikebanas, soft toys and ornaments.
– 16. We can order a limousine for an hour?
So if it’s not a wedding. Only wedding is the minimum order 3, 4 and 5 hours. Depending on the day of the week can be exceptions. All other proposals allow (if not stated separately) orders for 1 hour.
-17. Can ordered limousine decorate “their” colors?
The compositions of artificial flowers to decorate limo / Car to the wedding you can order – it has a number of advantages, such as: 1) time saving to consolidate all elements of decoration (limousine served at already decorated, you do not pay for a limousine while decorate it!), 2) the lack of liability for damage or loss of items composition (the responsibility of the driver) .3) not to be returned after decoration weeding – another time saving! You can order songs with fresh flowers if you have already bought jewelry or rented to another company we allow to decorate them our limousine / car under certain conditions, the composition should be fixed solely on silicone or floral sucker, no magnets (even closed cloth) tape, wire and other elements that can damage paint, painted color embossed paper (dye interacts with water, easy to peel, leading to damage to the original car color ) Is not allowed.
-18. What are discounts when ordering a limousine?
Limousine rental price and the discount negotiated with each client individually. In any case, the more order, the cheaper rental limousine / car.
-19. What determines the price for a limousine rental?
1. Date (day of the week, Mon-Fri less in winter and less fast)
2. Place (different regions have different prices for rental of the same model) features on the season and demand.
3. Number of hours (the length of the order).
4. Type limousine / car
5. Feature request (roads, mountain areas, late night).
-20. In the day of the week is most advantageous to use a limousine / car?
Major order for limousine / car associated with weddings. Therefore the most convenient day for this event is Saturday and Sunday. Accordingly, the rates to the weekend – the most high. Themselves low prices – from Monday to Friday.
-21. How fast is usually moving limousine through the city?
Travel speed limousine in the city usually does not exceed 20-30 km / h, and 30-80 km / h in the city. This helps protect passengers from unpleasant situations when cornering or when braking, and allows them to more easily use the bar. Priority in selecting speed is the safety of passengers and observance of traffic rules;
-22. When you can use the hatch window?
Almost all of our cars are equipped with hatches. Usually used for ventilation hatch, photographic, for review. It is strictly forbidden to try to get out of the sunroof or windows on the roof of a car – it can lead to a drop in “stuntman” damage varnish-and-paint coating cars, machinery doors and hatch, bending the roof (it is not designed for such loads), which in turn will lead significant financial losses on the part of the customer, which is solely responsible for the actions of his invited guests.
In winter (from November 15 to 15 March) lights in cars and limousines preserved (at low temperatures, ice presence, etc., open the door – perhaps it shut and sealed – is practically impossible). Sitting on the roof through a hatch or door on the windows is prohibited. A fine of 1000 UAH. / 1 person
-23. Can I eat smoked fish, sparrows, drinking beer in a limousine?
No fish, and any other oily and fragrant dish. So for beer, but ask the driver to open your bottle.
-24. As a paid part-time limousine rental / car?
If you delay limo / cars more than 5 minutes are billed at 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour. By the time the customer order follows the person himself. Example car in order to work 4 hours and 22 minutes – payment takes 4 hours and 30 minutes;
-25. Whether traveling limousines outside the city? As such trips are paid?
We cater to weddings and other events elsewhere. The supplement is subject perelimit client traffic travel over 50 km. Price bonuses is $ 0.5 / 1 km – SUV, sedan and $ 1 / 1km – if the limo;
–26. Where to put the garbage, for example, the wrapper out of chocolate?
We do not pollute the environment. It is strictly forbidden to throw rubbish out of windows or car door. Ask the driver of the garbage bag or put on the floor mat machine;
-27. What is the procedure for ordering?
• You choose the car / limousine from those presented on the site that you like.
• Call us + 38-067-405-53-55 or send to e – mail (ikvaProkat@gmail.com), fill in the fields: Name phone, place, date, duration.
• In the event that a limousine / car free, we book it for you on the phone. Reservation by telephone is valid for 1 day, exceptionally up to 3 days!
• The time at which imposed a reservation by phone you need to make payments of advances by car (prepay methods listed above), in the amount of not less than one hour of the chosen vehicle. Only after prepayment you can be sure that the selected limousine / car it will serve your order.
-28. Is it possible to shop in their limo snacks, fruit and champagne?
Any champagne opens only the driver or his assistant (even if you are super cool to know how to do it)! If your alcohol – please. Prohibited color (red, green, etc.) as well as limousine interior absorbs spilled wine glasses with liquid, then it is impossible to wash. As for the food – of course, you can have a meal inside their snacks, fruit. With prior approval, the company ikvaProkat you can prepare sandwiches and fruit.
-29. What limousine / car arrives, if you choose to break the order?
Such cases are virtually eliminated, we follow the technical condition of the car and do not save for their service. But if you still happened this trouble with the car, we provide you limousine / car of the same class or a class above (the price that you have caused, within the time specified in the contract).
-30. We in Kremenets (Ternopil region)., Which cost S-300 limo for the wedding?
Prices for wedding car rental / limousine with driver at prescribed for Western Ukraine. Base lion physical location of the car – is the city of Dubno, Rivne region. However, in order to optimize logistics costs, some of our cars are in Lviv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk. Each order is calculated individually
Specifically, the white limousine rental Chrysler S-300 in Kremenets (Radivilov, Rovno, Kostopol, Zdolbunov, Lutsk) will make $ 300 for 5 hours, and then $ 50 for each additional hour. If you are from Dubno, the cost of rental for four hours = $ 200!
–31. When paying for services?
Immediately, before you start you car / limousine. Then you can be much more concerned, rather than the beginning. If you know that will continue over the rental agreed – paying just outside the agreed or minimum time (if the wedding – 4-6 hours). The waiting time means after the order is also considered as an order. Example: Limousine newlyweds brought to the restaurant and waited 2 hours and 20 minutes while it will make a calculation. Payment is taken on most of the time (who led) + 2 = 30 hours and standby time.
-32. car Review
2 times: Before and after booking. When the limousine / car finished the work you do – please see the driver with the interior in terms of forgotten things (phones, wallets, etc.) and damaged hands (interior) used the bar.
– 33. Why are the prices in dollars, we live in Ukraine!?
Calculate in local currency at the rate sale Privat day event. Prices are in dollars because of the constant fluctuations of the hryvnia against dollar, leading to misinformation online. Technically, the change over 1000 price tags every time you change course possible, but it is too labor-savings …
-34. On the way force majeure
Ordered your limousine / car usually comes to order with a margin of 30-60 minutes (this time to the driver again, again rubbed off the road car) but on the road there Force Majeure to order, or process. The Company is not responsible for events that can not affect: the traffic, sudden, repairs, closed checkpoints, blocked railway crossings, etc., causing traffic delays cars on order or during the process. If Limousine / car came with a delay due Force Majeure order – order extends this time. We do not compensate moral and material damage caused by delay due to auto Force Majeure
-35. Some of my guests broke the TV. Who pays?
You! For action / inaction guests in a limousine / car and its effects corresponding to the customer;
-36. Or you can still ??
If you are willing to pay – we are ready to break the rules.
Limousine or car VIP class gala event in your memory leave many bright and unforgettable experience!