Stely wedding

1. Classic (traditional) marriage

1001-1024x7671001-1024х768In this case it is the festival format, which is most common in Ukraine – the classical (traditional) Ukrainian wedding. It infused the ancient Ukrainian traditions, religious rites and modern idea of what should look like a wedding celebration.

Bride groom makes a proposal, then comes a meeting with parents to discuss all the details of the holiday. On the day of the wedding bridesmaid carried a ransom, then young people go to the registry office, which derives a civil ceremony. The same day the couple can visit the temple for the wedding ceremony.

This is followed by a walk to the nearest sightseeing places of memory, completed the wedding fun and magnificent feast of entertainment (quizzes, songs and others) – feast. Guests at this wedding is a lot – at least 50 people.

The general mood of the holiday – fun. Ukrainian wedding – it’s festivities with jokes (not always tactful), unbridled joy and a test of character of its participants.

2. The European (Western) wedding


 Most Ukrainian has an idea of this format wedding through Hollywood movies. Scenario measure something similar to the previous format, but there are significant differences – special tradition that is being actively adopt Ukrainian couple.

In Europe weddings much emphasis on decoration and celebration of his unique style, chosen colors, which kept all the design elements. Often, the Western wedding ceremony practiced exit if young people do not want to hold it in the church.

Bridesmaids in identical dresses and groom’s friends in the same costumes, the bride throwing the bouquet – these traditions are well known in Ukraine.

Wedding banquet in western countries is made without lead. It is no contest as adopted at Ukrainian weddings. Guests eat, drink, socialize, dance, breaks one of them is the word to congratulate the newlyweds. Everyone knows in advance when he speaks. All living speeches and toasts are well appreciated in Brussels and zauchuyutsya heart. Coordinator of the celebration is often a friend or friend of the bride groom.

The general mood holidays – romantic. This important sense of proportion, elegance and good taste.

3. Case (creative) wedding]212

All elements of the celebration observed in a pre-selected topic. Usually it is based on hobbies, common interests, hobbies bride and groom. Beach wedding, wedding in gangster style masquerade ball – all examples of themed weddings.

Wedding this format difficult to organize. If we choose a theme, it should be traced in all – the site of the celebration, printing, dresses young, dress code for guests, music. The great risk that any of your guests will not close the topic, and it is not comfortable. Need to think about this moment and take care of everyone. The advantage of this celebration – this is his originality, exactly a wedding no one will forget.

The general mood of celebration given its subject.

4. National Wedding


The main thing at a wedding – it’s protect national traditions to the letter. Wedding characteristic of this type, such as for Muslim nations which today is very meticulously belong to the tradition. If people want to hold a national wedding, the couple often have relatives who know exactly how things should happen.

National wedding is carried out and those simply fond of a particular country’s traditions and wants to put them in their marriage ceremony. For example, a fairly popular today is the wedding in Indian style.

The general mood of celebration given by the features of the chosen culture. National weddings often very beautiful and colorful.



5. Extreme Wedding


Such conduct wedding fans of adrenaline and thrill. Wedding under the water, in an airplane, a balloon, the jungle – a fantasy gets them very far from traditional solutions. Rather, guests to this ceremony will be a little, but the emotions – more than enough.

The general mood of the holiday – adventure. Goosebumps running in participants not only the importance of the event, but also the shape of its celebration.

6. Wedding for Two


In recent years, the increasingly popular format for the wedding only two. The couple married and happy holiday for themselves, without involving this no friends or relatives. As will be triumph, decide to only two. What they come up, so be it.

The general mood of celebration – intimate. At a wedding are people who appreciate the borders which important personal space and preserve the special atmosphere inherent in the relationship of a couple.

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