- our Fleet. Wedding
- Limousines
- Джипи
- Sedan
- Сabriolet
- Retro car
- Bus, Bus, Transfer
- Limousines festive cortege
- Car rental without driver
- Decorations for cars
- Organization of holidays
- 1. Wedding manager (wedding coordinator)
- 2. stylized wedding
- 3. Presenter, DJ, Tamada
- 4. Photo, Video
- 4.1 Aerial survey by quadrocopter
- 10. Chocolate Fountain/Wine Fountain
- 11. Animators for children
- 13. Living statues
- 15. Міми, Stilts
- 16. Storekeeper
- 17. Visiting ceremony
- 18. First Dance
- 18.1 Blooming flower
- 18.2 3D projection on a wedding cake
- 19. Fire Show
- 20. Neon Show
- 21. Burning Hearts and name
- 22. Sand Animation
- 24. Show bubbles
- 25. Barman show
- 26. Oriental Dance
- 27. Bands, cover, Impersonations
- 28. Друзі наречених на прокат
- 29. Picture zone
- 30. Service clotting wedding
- 31. Selfiе Mirror / Celphy Box
- 32. Dancing Cabaret Show
- 33.Balls for registration
- 34. Cakes/Baking
- 35. Laser show
- 36. Hookah for WEDDING / Lease of hookahs
- Fireworks
- Questions and answers
- Interesting information
- Reviews
- Contacts. Payments
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Wedding signsDo you believe in folk beliefs or not, but the next selection , we believe, will be of interest to everyone. At least, that among these wedding signs are truly beautiful and symbolic rituals that can add even more romance to your wedding ceremony …
• Before going to bed before the wedding, the bride puts a pillow under the mirror.
• The wedding dress should be an even number of buttons , of course, if they exist. Underwear should be only white , and shoes should be without cords . At the wedding an odd number of guests invited .
• Mother bride before marriage to the daughter of a veil to cover his face . After the ceremony the young opens her face and kisses .
• Make way for a young couple vystelyayut carpets , so they gently dealt in life.
• After the ceremony the young distributes small change to avoid trouble in their marriage. To the family has always been an abundance , a young couple on the road sprinkled grain, coins and candy and coins are put in glasses young remain at home under the tablecloth.
• If the registry office before the couple will eat a piece of chocolate for two – life is sweet.
• After the ceremony, the bride gets back to the desk and throws her bouquet over her head . And the girl who catches it , will soon be married .
• After this ceremony the newly man takes off his wife’s leg garter and also throws across the back . The one who catches it , will most likely mate .
• Moms young and the young to be wearing solid dress and in any case – in costumes.
• Young after marriage taken one look in the mirror.
• The first glass from which the couple first drink as marriage break .
• The wedding did not give a set of knives and forks , so there was strife in the family.
• Wedding dress, veil and rings can not be given to anyone to try .
• A husband and wife can not eat with a spoon at a wedding , so you will not be dissatisfied with one another.
They say that rain on your wedding day – it fortunately
• You can not celebrate a wedding on borrowed money for a couple of life is poor.
• After the wedding the couple should remain silent as long as possible . Who will speak first , he will be forever
under the heel of the half.
• choose a western wedding procession path yaknaydali from cemeteries. Also he has to rush yaknayhutchish to newlyweds did not have time to complain None at evil force.
• If rain falls on the wedding couple and guests, the newlyweds will live long. When a strong wind – live miserable because he all the wealth of species.
• During zastillya couple have not abut back on sydinnya and sydity directly to them not zvalyuvalysya FAMILIAL problems.
• It has long been thought that a piece of sugar, put his bosom narecheniy make her family life sweet.
• Buying the bride outfit, try to veil and dress were bought on Wednesday , shoes – on Friday. The resulting surrender of buying veils, shoes and dresses do not spend as long as possible . Keep it at least not less than three months. Remove this money so that they did not take the hands of a stranger .
• White wedding dress with a veil shall be entitled only to dress the bride – girl. Otherwise, it selects a dress of a different color ( beige , pink, blue , etc.).
• If the bride is pregnant , she must escape her unborn baby broad red ribbon or belt, hidden under clothing. For this reason, red dress the bride wore a wedding the next day . After the wedding night she could be a carrier of a new life. To protect yourself and the future of their family – baby, she dressed in the clothes in which the dominant red color , which is, according to popular notions, reliable energy talisman.
• The bride should avoid dresses with deep plunging necklines and bare shoulders as . Featuring all the charm of the figure , the bride makes himself completely vulnerable , easily vulnerable.
• To talisman buy the bride a small icon of the Virgin Mary, the bride – the icon of Jesus Christ. They need to hide in clothes and let the whole wedding they will be young . You can also buy the newlyweds and personal icons.
• For young people did not need the money , the bride on the wedding day to put a coin in the right shoe , which is then saved as a family heirloom .
• Walking down the aisle , the bride should wear something old (for example , a gift from his mother ), something new, something blue and a loan taken (Compulsory married woman , happily married ). Old symbolizing peace and wisdom in marriage. New – a new family girl. Blue means love , modesty and fidelity. And with borrowed stuff sent blessing for good family life.
• Both the bride and groom to secure safety pins on clothing head down – from ” inyears .” Bride – the skirt , the bride – where the buttonhole , but so that the pins could be seen.
• Before the wedding the bride must cry a little – the marriage will be happy. However , it is best if these are tears of parting words of parents , not because of any problem.
• Before you go to the altar of youth , should be put under the threshold of the castle , and as they pass the threshold, close the lock key , the key thrown away . Castle should be stored – then youth will live well.
• If the bride and groom before the wedding will give the oath of allegiance to each other coming on well, their marriage is immutable and eternal love .
• When the bride goes to church / registrar , the mother reports daughter family relic : a ring , cross, brooch , bracelet , etc., so this thing was with her at the wedding , protecting her.
• Prior to the wedding / registration groom should not see themselves in the mirror in full dress. For example , you can see for yourself without gloves or gowns , but without veils .
• Wedding measure no one to give , either before or after the wedding.
• Do not wear a wedding ring on his hand in a glove . You must first remove the glove and then put on the ring .
• Who spouse at the wedding wears another ring finger to the base , and he will be in the main building .
• If the wedding candles severely cracking young life they will be very hectic.
• It is advisable to buy wedding rings in the same day in the same place. It is a good forecast of long life together.
• Whose candle during the wedding ceremony will burn more a young age will live shorter .
• Fall wedding rings during marriage or wedding Talking fast divorce in the family . Loss of bands like during the wedding and at any other time portends serious problems with your health , evidence of impending danger divorce.
• After the wedding of young people should look into one mirror – to luck, to a friendly and happy life.
• Bouquet of the bride should not lose hands throughout the day. In an emergency you can give to hold a bouquet of bride or mother. Only the wedding reception you can put it on the table in front of him , and in the evening should take him to his bedroom.
• If the marriage was sunny weather, and suddenly began to rain – to be young wealthy family .
• If the 7th , 9th and 40th day after the wedding husband wife fed the same spoons they enjoyed during the marriage , the young will never go away .
• Wedding candles retain all his life. They help with difficult births.
• The lower the alcohol young people drink for the whole wedding , the quieter is their way of life. During the feast dishes made beat , and the more fragments , the more happiness to the young.
• Mandatory rule: Youth need to go for wedding table only clockwise or the sun and go – in the opposite direction.
• If the wedding day frost hit , then the firstborn is a boy, strong and healthy.
• Newlyweds must always stick together , that no one has passed or stood up against them to the Union was indestructible .
• Youth should not give anyone a towel on which they stood in the registrar during the marriage or married in the temple. This towel symbolizes the vital road suite, so it should be stored at home all my life.
• Young can not go to the banquet uprightness. People say that we should confuse evil spirits and thus the route chosen complicated, intricate . By the way, on this occasion in some countries to the rear bumper tie empty tin cans to bryazhchaly the road and scare away all uncleanness . When young Places approaching the celebration of a wedding car should honk loudly . This also applies to scare away evil spirits.
• One of the most symbolic gifts for the newlyweds wedding rings is that transfer by inheritance , and the greater the degree of inheritance , the more powerful conservative potential they possess.
• Candle Wedding bride and groom should blow out at the same time – it’s to a long life together.
• Wedding cake cut young people, youth support than. A piece of cake with the basic pattern bride puts on a plate of his bride , the next piece she puts it , and then the guests. This sign to a mutual agreement and help each other.
• If a young couple sit at a table on the hairy coat – life they will have a rich and happy .